Exciting News. Upcoming special event. “Yoga From The Start” is a one day Retreat especially designed for complete or novice beginners on SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1ST. This is your chance to enjoy a day to yourself in a beautiful bush setting and learn all you need to know to get started in yoga that works for You. Enquiries are coming in already and all will be answered with full  costing and registration details by December 23rd.The Retreat is suitable for all new beginners including those who need special care for injuries, ailments or other limitations. You will be well cared for and taught with precision and accuracy by Jan O’Donoghue one of Australia’s most experienced Yoga Teachers.

With over thirty-five years extensive experience teaching both nationally and internationally, people of varying abilities from all walks of life Jan has the skill,  the training and the expertise to assist you with any difficulties including medical. You will experience notable benefits in just one day so that you can return home feeling more youthful, calmer and confident that you really can become healthier, more flexible, stronger and more self reliant through the practice of yoga. Jan’s expertise will show you the way that is right for you.

Venue: Yoga Now Retreats studio, only 15 minutes from Robina Town Centre in a beautiful, peaceful bush setting.

Yoga Program: How to know your body and care for your injuries and ailments as you exercise and in your every day living. How to immediately improve your posture so you look and feel more youthful. How to use Yoga practically in your life. Performing the basic yoga poses and how to practice safely and effectively. How to steady your emotions, your breathing and your busy mind. How to go beyond resting to deeply relax and restore.

Delicious organic lunch, treats and delights all included. Places are limited. Bookings and payments by January 2oth, 2015.

For enquiries, registration and all location and pricing details please contact Jan O’Donoghue, Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, www.yogaschool.com.au and go to Contact Us. Ph: 0407123699. Caron Light, www.yoganowretreats.com.au, Ph: 0410030457.